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To MSc or Not To MSc

Colin Campbell
by Colin Campbell on 15-Dec-2017 14:01:00


An MSc in implant dentistry should be set up for people with a good clinical grounding_a).jpg


The difficulty with me writing about MScs in implant dentistry is two-fold.

  1. I run an education academy which does not provide an MSc
  2. I have never done an MSc (yet)

Having said that though José Mourinho, the Manchester Utd manager never played professional football but is a good football manager.


In my time in dental education I have spoken to MSc groups in Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester and Sheffield and have friends who have ran an MSc in two different universities. I have many friends who have done MScs in various university settings and have been very keen to gather information regarding all these courses in my experience related to them.


It is clear to me that an MSc in implant dentistry should be set up for people like me and not for people who are just starting out in implant dentistry.


That is because an MSc encourages a deeper understanding of specific aspects of implant dentistry that can only be clearly understood when a good clinical grounding in implant dentistry has been achieved. I do not feel a good clinical grounding in implant dentistry can be achieved in 1-2 years and therefore by the time someone comes to write their dissertation in an MSc, if they haven’t completed implant dentistry prior to their MSc they are not in the best position to do this. I have tested this theory with many people who have exited MSc’s and really been disappointed that my thoughts are wrong. There is no question that very competent more experienced practitioners who enter into an MSc and invest heavily in their education can make themselves good, competent implant practitioners as a result of the MSc but I am still not convinced that this is the best pathway into implant dentistry.


It is for that reason that The Campbell Academy has decided not to pursue avenues which we were invited to which would allow us to accredit our courses with second years of masters courses in the UK.


For me, the best way to spend your money is on an excellent first year course that encompasses academic, practical and hands on patient experience combined with mentoring advice. At the end of that year to find out where your deficiency still lies and then tailor your implant education towards the next steps. Be that business, surgical skills, restorative skills, implant skills or whichever skills you require. To plot a strategic course from 0 implants placed per year to 50 over 5 years is a realistic goal and one that can be tailored to each individual delegate.


I do not believe this is what happens on a taught MSc.


  How to Place Fifty Implants per Year Competently and Confidently


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Colin Campbell
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