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The Year Implant Course

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The ITI Digital Dental
Entrepreneurial Program


Begins October 28th 2024




certification (1)

26 hours across 7 weeks

Register Now!

Scale up your practice for a better future.

Maximise your business with the fundamental components of every successful practice.

Why the ITI Digital Dental Entrepreneurial program is right for you!

Designed for Dentists
By Dentists who managed the path to a successful practice, increasing turnover from £250K to £5 million.
Peer-to-Peer Learning
With professionals from all over the field of Dentistry.
Build your Business Plan
Build and apply your new personal business plan for success.
Practical Content
That you will be able to translate into hands-on skills in your daily business.
Get the Answers
Selected interdisciplinary experts answer all your questions.

Hear from Colin Campbell, Course Director & ITI Senior Fellow!



  Download the brochure & watch part of the course for free! 

Colin Campbell


Director & Specialist in Oral Surgery

GDC No: 70058

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Colin has been a dentist for almost 30 years and has been involved with the ITI for 25 years and he’s been a business owner and director for 15 years.

Clinically, Colin has placed over 6000 dental implants and provided thousands of lectures to educate colleagues in implant dentistry and other clinical matters. He has also worked extensively as a medical-legal expert witness.

In the past 15 years, Colin has set up three separate dental businesses as start-ups, building one business to success and then selling and developing two further businesses, one as The Campbell Clinic, a clinical specialist dental practice and the second, The Campbell Academy, a clinical education business.

During this time, these businesses have grown over 20 times and Colin has lectured extensively on matters related to dental business, leadership and entrepreneurship.

Colin is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, a senior fellow of the ITI and a fellow of the College of General Dentistry (UK).

Colin lives with his wife and three children.

Hayley Brown

Managing Director of The Campbell Clinic

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Hayley Brown is a qualified dental nurse who has worked side by side with Colin since she was a trainee in 2006 (17 years).

She moved to work at The Campbell Clinic in 2009 to become the senior dental implant nurse and quickly became the practice manager and ultimately the managing director/CEO of The Campbell Clinic Group.

Hayley now oversees the strategic direction of a business which turns over £5 million per year with 55 staff and is expected to double in the next five years.

Much of the success of The Campbell Clinic Group over the past 10 years has been due to the exceptional management and leadership of Hayley Brown.

Hayley's areas of expertise include human asset management (human resources), operational management and direction, and financial management and direction.

Hayley has completed level seven (masters) education in management and business.

She lives in Nottingham with her husband and two young children.

Tom Reason

Education & Marketing Director

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Tom graduated with his first degree in history from the University of East Anglia and moved to work in recruitment in London, the financial centre of London's financial markets.

After leaving this position, Tom agreed to take up a position with Colin in a start-up business to develop The Campbell Academy in 2015 from its early stages.

From that time, Tom has progressed to become the director of The Campbell Academy and the Education and Marketing Director of The Campbell Clinic Group and has secured a First-Class Honours in Digital Marketing with Nottingham Trent.

Tom is an expert in digital dental marketing having been responsible for leading a team of five people to provide all aspects of digital and non-digital marketing for The Campbell Clinic and Campbell Academy.

Tom has now lectured extensively to different dental professionals to assist them in their marketing strategies and works closely with some of The Campbell Clinic's commercial partners in helping them with their overall marketing strategies and implementation.

Tom lives in Nottingham with his partner and his dog.

Alex Jones

BSc (Hons) BDS (Sheff)

Clinical Director

GDC No: 76127

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Alex is a successful entrepreneur and business owner who first graduated as a science graduate from the University of Sheffield in England.

He went on to study dentistry and then to open several dental practices and build a group of two dental practices which he successfully sold to a DSO (dental service organisation) in 2022.

Alex is a hugely skilled clinician in surgery and restorative, has placed and restored thousands of dental implants, and is a particular expert in immediate full arch loading.

Alex gained tremendous experience in the setting up development and ultimate sale of the dental businesses he was part of and joined The Campbell Clinic team as clinical director in 2023.

Alex’s area of expertise is overall business development, operations, finances and strategic direction of businesses together with understanding the overall value of setting up a business and the value of the business moving forwards.

Alex lives in Sheffield with his wife and his three children.

Course Structure

Module 1 - Introduction and Live Webinar

Module 2 - Vision Setting

Module 3 - Finance

Module 4 -  Marketing

Module 5 - Sales

Module 6 - HR

Module 7 -  Leadership

Module 8 - Strategy

Module 9 - Business Plan

Module 10 - Course Close and Live Webinar


28th October 2024

4th November 2024

7th November 2024

14th November 2024

18th November 2024

21st November 2024

25th November 2024

28th November2024

2nd December 2024

9th December 2024

Key Features:


  1. Nine projects are to be completed ensuring you exit the course with the tools and frameworks to move your business forward.

  2. An exceptional faculty from a variety of disciplines, led by Colin Campbell. Colin is an Implant Surgeon and senior ITI Fellow who has developed a dental practice in Nottingham into a £5 million turnover business with 55 staff members.

  3. The course builds a tribe environment and belonging for you to discuss concepts and ideas.

  4. A digital course that creates a flexible learning experience enabling you to work this around your clinical time

  5. Online discussion group for the life of the course for all members to discuss and share projects in addition to sharing knowledge and skills.

  6. You will be provided templates and examples to help you through the process and the completion of the projects.

Following completion of this course, participants will have an improved understanding of the following:


1. The future vision of your business – setting the long-term direction.

2. How to develop new financial structures for your business to be more financially effective, efficient, and profitable.

3. How to explore new marketing initiatives in your business, within your existing budget framework to improve new patient flow to your practice.

4. To investigate modern HR management strategies and tactics to build the best possible dental practice team.

5. How to begin to organise a proper sales system within your practice to ensure that only the minimum amount of contacts who would like to come to engage for treatment and care are lost.

6. How to plan strategically over a year (or three years) to see constant improvement in your business.

7. To investigate leadership concepts to allow you to examine and interrogate your own leadership styles.


Watch the videos below to hear from delegates who have attended the course



This 7-week online program was created by dentists, for dentists. It was developed by a dental team who have already followed the path to building a successful practice. They will share their knowledge and experience through a structured and practical learning journey that can be applied in your daily practice immediately.

Live sessions with Colin Campbell, ITI Senior Fellow & successful practice owner, providing savvy insights into how he grew his practice.

Dedicated experts with different areas of expertise answer all your questions promptly, from theory to practice, via Slack. Slack is the ideal tool to stay in touch with your peers, contact our experts, share additional content and start discussions. This collaborative environment ensures that you receive tailored assistance throughout the program, enabling you to confidently apply your newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios.

At the end of the program, you will use your newly gained knowledge to create a personal 3-year business plan for your practice.

With a clear roadmap in hand, you'll be equipped to scale up your practice for a better future!

ITI Certificate -4

The Schedule


The course spans seven weeks, starting with an introductory week and concluding with a dedicated week for finalising projects and the learning content. Between these weeks, there are five weeks dedicated to completing two projects per week, with project submissions expected on Thursdays and Sundays.

The course has been thoughtfully designed to offer attendees a high degree of flexibility, allowing delegates to work around their clinical commitments. This flexibility ensures that delegates can choose suitable times to engage with the course materials and complete the required tasks. The structure of the course enables delegates to manage their time effectively, ensuring that the majority of the work can be completed at their convenience.

By accommodating clinical schedules and providing flexibility, the course allows delegates to successfully balance their professional responsibilities while actively participating in the program. This approach allows delegates to customise their learning experience and maximise their engagement with the course content.

Module 1: Introduction including Live Webinar

Module 1: Introduction

The first week and module of the course is an introduction to set the tone for the whole course and outline the logistics of the course. Delegates will be provided with access to online learning platforms, including Slack and the Online Academy.

Delegates will be set their first mini-project and there will be a 45-minute live webinar with Colin, the other faculty members and the rest of the cohort.
Module 2: Vision Setting

Module 2: Vision Setting

Module 2, not only sets up the future vision for your business using Simon Sinek's 'Start with Why' model but also delves deeper into developing a concrete strategy to achieve that vision. By understanding the core purpose and values of your business, Module 2 enables you to articulate a compelling mission statement that resonates with both your team members and your target audience.

Module 3: Finance

Module 3: Finance

During Module 3, delegates will not only complete the finance project but also gain valuable insights into the financial intricacies of their business. This finance project equips delegates with the tools and knowledge to make informed financial decisions that contribute to the long-term success of their business.

Module 4: Marketing

Module 4: Marketing

Module 4 welcomes the Marketing project. This module is based on tried and tested marketing tactics used at both The Campbell Academy and The Campbell Clinic. Delegates will gain a comprehensive understanding of the key elements involved in developing successful marketing campaigns to enhance their brand visibility, attract new customers, and ultimately drive business growth.

Module 5: Sales

Module 5: Sales

Following the Marketing module, delegates will delve into the Sales module, which aims to optimise the customer journey and minimise the loss of potential contacts who express interest in engaging for treatment. This module is thoughtfully designed to equip delegates with the necessary skills and strategies to effectively convert leads into loyal customers.

Module 6: HR

Module 6: HR

This module will introduce delegates to the HR Project, which places emphasis on implementing structured HR practices, performance management systems, and leveraging digital products for effective meetings and engagement. This project aims to equip delegates with the necessary tools and strategies to optimise human resources within their organisation.

Module 7: Leadership

Module 7: Leadership

During the Leadership module, delegates will engage in the Leadership project, which aims to illustrate the key concepts and principles of leading a modern dental practice. This module is specifically designed to equip delegates with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in leadership roles within the dental industry. By actively participating in this Leadership project, delegates will enhance their leadership capabilities and acquire the tools needed to navigate the complexities of running a modern dental practice. 
Module 8: Strategy

Module 8: Strategy

The Strategy Project starts off module 8, showing how to plan strategically over a year (or three years) to see constant improvement of a business. Delegates will gain the skills and knowledge needed to create a robust strategic plan that drives constant improvement and sustainable growth.

Module 9: Business Plan

Module 9: Business Plan

The final module involves the integration of all the knowledge gained from the previous projects into a comprehensive business plan. This final project allows delegates to synthesise their learnings and demonstrate their ability to create a well-rounded and actionable plan for their dental practice. 

Module 10: Course Close and Live Webinar

Module 10: Course Close and Live Webinar

During the final week, delegates will have the opportunity to catch up on any unfinished projects or additional work that may be required. This week serves as a dedicated time for delegates to address any outstanding tasks and seek guidance from the team members for advice or support.
The online learning platform will be available for five weeks after the course finishes and delegates will be added to an Alumni Slack channel at the end of the course.
To bring the course to a close and conclude the projects, delegates will participate in a Zoom call with Colin Campbell, along with the rest of the faculty and fellow delegates. This call serves as a final opportunity to reflect on the course, share insights, and celebrate the achievements and progress made throughout the program.


Completed Online

The course is completed online on The Campbell Academy's Learning Management System and Slack channel. This provides an extremely flexible format for attendees meaning they can complete the weekly learning content at a time that suits them.


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Pricing & Registration

Program Fees

ITI Member: £1,590

Non-member: £1,900

Not an ITI Member yet?

Join the ITI to broaden your implant dentistry horizons and enjoy many professional benefits.

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Your questions, answered.

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for anyone working in dentistry who has an entrepreneurial mindset and is looking to acquire/develop the necessary skills to successfully navigate the business aspects of running a dental practice.
Previous attendees include dental business owners, aspiring dental business owners, Practice Managers and other members of a dental practice management team.

How is the course content delivered?

The course will be delivered through two platforms. Firstly, our Learning Management System will store prerecorded lecture content that will be released to you every week. Secondly, a dedicated course Slack channel will allow you to communicate with your peers and receive coaching support throughout the seven weeks. Also, each module will have an Academy faculty member assigned as the coach, who can answer any questions about the module.
There will be two live sessions during the course, scheduled for the first and final week of the program. The sessions will take place in the evening and will last for a maximum of one hour. If you cannot attend the live sessions, they will be recorded for later access.

How much time should I dedicate to the course?

To maximise the benefits of this course, it is crucial to understand that your level of commitment and active participation will directly impact what you gain from it. We often liken this course to joining a gym, where real progress is made through consistent attendance and effort. Simply enrolling in the course will not suffice; you must regularly attend and actively engage with the material over the 7-week duration.

Throughout each week of the course, you can expect to dedicate approximately 90 minutes to recorded lectures. These lectures are designed to be flexible, allowing you to watch them at your own convenience. However, the true value lies in your commitment to completing the nine projects assigned over the duration of the course. These projects will require a minimum of two hours each to complete effectively.

What if I am away/on holiday for one of the weeks?

The course has been intentionally designed to offer maximum flexibility. If you happen to be away for one of the weeks or fall behind slightly, it's not a problem. You will have the opportunity to catch up, and we will provide you with access to the Learning Management System for seven weeks after the program's final day.

How much does the course cost?

The course costs £1,590 for ITI Members. For non-members, the price is £1,900.

If you are not an ITI Member yet, you can join the ITI to broaden your implant dentistry horizons and enjoy many professional benefits.

Become an ITI Member.

Is there an exam at the end of the course?

No, there is no test. Throughout the course, you will be expected to complete a series of projects, ultimately culminating in the production of a 1 to 3-year dental business plan for your practice. 
This will allow you to exit the course with a roadmap which can be applied to your practice immediately.

Is there more work to complete in certain weeks of the course?

The first week of the course is very much introductory. It is all about familiarising yourself with the online platforms and meeting your fellow course delegates and faculty on Slack and on the live webinar.

Following the initial week, the course intensifies over the next five weeks, diving into in-depth learning content and engaging course projects. During this period, you will delve into the core material, acquiring valuable knowledge and skills in a dynamic and immersive environment.

As the course nears its conclusion, the final week offers a lighter pace, allowing you to catch up on any missed topics or assignments. This week serves as an opportunity to refine and amend your projects, ensuring that you have a comprehensive grasp of the course material. The week culminates with an essential live webinar, where you can participate in the final course session and gain valuable insights.

Do I receive a certificate?

Yes, following completion of the course, you will receive a certificate with 26 hours of verifiable CPD.
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