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The Year Implant Course

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Our Partners

The Campbell academy Partners

Straumann UKStraumann-Logo - Platinum Sponsor 

The Campbell Academy is proud to have Straumann as one of our Platinum sponsors. Colin has been associated with the Straumann Dental Implant System and the Straumann company since 1998 and has an unbroken history of exceptional service from them. The Straumann Dental Implant System boasts one of the most researched implant surfaces in the world and we believe it is the best system to be used for the benefit of our patients. We are delighted that Straumann is supporting The Campbell Academy project and look forward to working with them for a long time to come.

Planmeca - Platinum Sponsor Planmeca_logo

Planmeca is a global leader in many fields of healthcare technology, with products distributed in over 120 countries worldwide. Their product range covers digital dental units, world-class 2D and 3D imaging devices, and comprehensive CAD/CAM and software solutions. Colin has recently developed a strong relationship with Planmeca when it came to investing in a new CBCT machine at The Campbell Clinic and Academy.

Their aim is to create functional, durable, and beautifully designed products that stand the test of time. They do this by always keeping their four design principles in mind: ergonomic workflow for professionals, patient and staff safety, patient comfort, and long-lasting aesthetics. Principles that The Campbell Academy strongly supports and can relate to.

DB Dental - Platinum Sponsor DB_logo-01

DB Dental is an independent family-run business that has become a leading specialist in the supply, service, and maintenance of dental equipment in the United Kingdom. A company that prides itself on having built a team that is made up of great people who will always go the extra mile and treat others how they would wish to be treated.

DB Dental played an instrumental role in building the new facility, and The Campbell Academy are delighted to be working with them. We would like to recommend them to anyone who attends The Campbell Academy.


Wrights - Platinum SponsorWHG dental supply co large CMYK

Wrights is the largest UK-owned dental supply company providing 40,000 sundries products to 10,000 dental practices and laboratories spanning the length and breadth of the UK. We are delighted to announce Wrights as a Platinum Sponsor of The Campbell Academy and look

forward to their support of the Academy team and our course delegates.



Kevin Holleron, Director of PFPD, has worked with Colin and provided financial advice for over 10 years. This has been a hugely beneficial relationship and Colin has introduced Kevin to dozens of people who have benefited from his services as Colin has over the past decade. PFPD are proud sponsors of The Campbell Academy and we are delighted to be working with them and would like to recommend them to anyone who attends The Campbell Academy.


NSK’s corporate philosophy is to create “brilliant progress” via innovative “grinding technology”. The Campbell Academy is proud to work alongside NSK and use its products to support our teaching. Both Colin and Andy use NSK products in practice and have done for several years. Their confidence in the products is why we heavily use them within the Academy for our delegates.


Geistlich’s Dental Biomaterial products, Geistlich Bio-Oss, and Geistlich Bio-Gide, are used by leading oral surgery and maxillofacial surgeons in a variety of periodontal, dental implant, and craniofacial indications; Colin and Andy are amongst these and use their products regularly.

With more than 600 scientific publications, amassed over a 20-year period, supported by a dedicated and dentally qualified field team, Geistlich can rightfully claim to be Leading Regeneration; it’s their experience and knowledge that gives Colin and Andy the confidence to share their products to delegates of The Campbell Academy.


Coach Barrow

Chris Barrow, in Colin's own words, has had one of the most significant influences on his career. Not only on his business but on his life overall. Chris transformed Colin's ideas of running a dental business and, in fact, of business in general.

Chris now lectures on both The Year Implant Course and The Business Course, providing valuable insight and learning related to marketing and the running of modern dental practice in general.

We are proud to partner with Chris and encourage our delegates to consider his new coaching programme. Please follow the link to learn more about The Extreme Business with Coach Barrow.

HU Friedy logo

Hu Friedy

Hu-Friedy is one of the world leaders in dental instrument manufacturing. They are focused on delivering the highest quality product, service, and community experience in the dental industry in order to help dental professionals perform at their best. It is for these reasons that Colin and Andy have formed a relationship with them. Their instruments help delegates develop skills at The Campbell Academy.


Mac Technologies

Osstell makes it possible to measure the initial implant stability and monitor the progression of osinigration over time and helps to decide optimal loading periods. Colin and Andy use the Mac Technologies Osstell machine regularly during implant surgery, particularly for total arch cases. It’s a piece of technology they both agree is helpful for delegates of The Campbell Academy to familiarise themselves with and bring into their practice.


International Team for Implantology (ITI)

The ITI is a global association of professionals in implant dentistry. Colin has been an ITI Fellow since the early 2000s and previously served on the leadership team of the UK and Ireland Sections.

In 2023, The Campbell Academy partnered with the International Team of Implantology and incorporated its Curriculum into The Campbell Academy's implant training pathway. This pathway, CID, has been designed to improve the education of new implant dentists to the highest quality and moves implant surgeons through the SAC (straightforward, advanced, and complex) classification in implant dentistry.

Orascoptic Logo


Orascoptic is dedicated to enhancing clinicians' visual capabilities by continually advancing product design.

Their focus on improved ergonomics, magnification, and illumination ensures superior visualisation. Since late 2023, Orascoptic has partnered with The Campbell Academy to offer our delegates a 20% discount on these innovative products.



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