With Vincent Fehmer and Irena Sailer.
With Vincent Fehmer and Irena Sailer.
This International Masterclass with Vincent Fehmer and Irena Sailer from the University of Geneva at the Campbell Academy is for anyone interested in providing the highest possible quality in implant dentistry, from straightforward to complex cases.
This course will help delegates understand the importance of the position of the implant head in providing ideal emergence profiles and designs of implant restorations.
This is the course that genuinely cements ‘restoratively driven planning.’ The principles from this course can be applied to the simplest or most complex implant restorations, and they are provided by some of the best art exponents in the world.
Anyone at any level of implant dentistry could gain the most inspiration and technical information from this course, and we look forward to welcoming anyone interested.
Vincent Fehmer and Irena Sailer form part of the world-class restorative program at the University of Geneva, one of the world's most renowned restorative institutions.
This masterclass will be provided by Irena and her husband, Vincent, a master technician and, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most famous technicians in the world. Together, Irena and Vincent will be able to provide two days of restorative masterclasses to enhance, improve, and update anyone's implant dentistry in small group teaching with complete access to the speakers over the whole two-day process.
Irena Sailer is a professor of restorative dentistry and a world-renowned speaker, clinician and researcher in implant restorative dentistry. She has been instrumental in designing innovative and game-changing restorative courses and providing innovative research in implant dentistry.
Vincent Fermer holds one of the world's most prestigious and important roles in restorative technology. He is a multi-published author of papers and textbooks and a world-renowned lecturer in dental technology.
He is a partner and husband to Professor Irena Sailer, with whom he works as a team, writing and educating the world on the highest level of restorative principles in restorative dental and technical applications.
Vincent is also one of the world's nicest people in implant dentistry. For this reason, he is in high demand and lectures almost every week in different parts of the world on his chosen subjects and his love for dental technology. His standards are as high as could be imagined. His teaching skills are friendly and kind, and he can impart his expertise to all levels of clinicians to improve their practice.
The masterclass aims to provide attendees and delegates with an extraordinary and detailed investigation of the principles of implant restorative dentistry, from implant planning and the position of the implant head to the selection of materials and the application of restorative principles, occlusion, and design complications.
Master Dental Technician (MDT) at the Clinic for Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials, Center for Dental and Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Vincent Fehmer received his dental technical education and degree in Stuttgart, Germany, in 2002. From 2002 to 2003, he performed fellowships in Great Britain and the US in Oral Design-certified dental technical laboratories. From 2003 to 2009, he worked at an Oral Design-certified laboratory in Berlin, Germany—The Dental Manufaktur Mehrhof. In 2009, he received a degree as an MDT in Germany. From 2009 to 2014, he was the chief dental technician at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics in Zurich, Switzerland.
Since 2015, he has been a dental Technician at the Clinic for Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials in Geneva, Switzerland and runs his laboratory in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Vincent is a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology, an Active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), and a member of the Oral Design group, the European Association of Dental Technology (EADT) and the German Society of Esthetic Dentistry (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde, DGÄZ). He is active as a speaker on a national and international Level.
Vincent has received honours like the KENNETH RUDD AWARD from the American Prosthodontic Society. He has published over 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals in fixed prosthodontics and digital dental technology, contributed to book chapters, and co-authored the book Fixed Restorations.
He also serves as Editor in Chief of the QDT Yearbook, Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, and Section Editor for the International Journal of Prosthodontics.
Prof. Dr. med. dent.
Chair of the Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials at the University of Geneva
Adjunct associate professor in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Irena Sailer received her dental education and doctor's medical. Dent. Degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tübingen, Germany, in 1997/1998. In 2003, Irena received an Assistant Professorship at Zurich's Clinic of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences. From 2010 on, she was an Associate Professor at the same clinic.
In 2007, Irena was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics, Dental College, New York University, USA. Additionally, since 2009, she has held an Adjunct Associate Professorship at the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, Robert Schattner Center, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
She has been the Head of the Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials at the University of Geneva since September 2013.
Irena Sailer is a specialist in prosthodontics (Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry) and holds a certificate in focused activities in dental implantology (WBA) from the Swiss Society for Dentistry.
She is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry and the Swiss Leadership Team of the ITI (International Team for Implantology). Furthermore, Irena Sailer serves on the Scientific Boards of the European Association of Osseointegration and the Swiss Society of Implantology.
Irena Sailer is also a Member of the EAO's board of directors, an Active Member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, and an Active Fellow of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics.
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