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The True Cost of Post Graduate Training

Colin Campbell
by Colin Campbell on 18-Dec-2017 15:01:00


 What does the true cost of dental implant training include?_a).jpg


This is a subject that is very little discussed in the world of dental education in the UK. 

If you were to pick some of the most complicated aspects of dentistry (and as a result some of the most profitable) many dentists see a glass ceiling that they have to smash through in order to become proficient and profitable in the provision of those services for their patients. To get through this glass ceiling is to enter a new world of clinical dentistry and dental business which can be more fulfilling both ethically, intellectually and financially but inevitably requires a level of investment which many find it difficult to fathom.


The true cost of training includes the following:

  1. A considerable amount of time out of practice (when the dentist would have been earning) to invest in training
  2. Investment in equipment and kit
  3. Investment in infrastructure and environment
  4. Investment in team training
  5. Financial investment in training yourself


In the end, when you have been moved through the ceiling and have the ability to provide these treatments for yourself, the pay back exits in many ways.

  1. In the satisfaction in being a better more competent practitioner
  2. In building a enthusiastic and well trained team
  3. Improvements in your working environment
  4. In retention of patients within your practice who are happy to invest in their own health at your hands for their own benefit


This though is a true strategic exercise to pick one area of improvement and concentrate on it for a prolonged period of time until you have reached the stage where you are proficient and effective; providing the care for patients which inevitably leads to a return on your overall investment. It’s a tough balance to strike and if you would like any advice on how you may begin this process then please do not hesitate to contact us at The Campbell Academy because we would love to discuss it with you.


Fitness to Practice Colin Campbell's case

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Colin Campbell
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