Are Your Surgical Skills as a GDP Good Enough to Place Dental Implants
One of the main questions we are asked when delegates are looking to attend our Year Implant Course or straightforward course in implant dentistry is whether we provide training in surgical dentistry and procedures associated with implant dentistry.
A good guide as to whether you would be confident to place an implant in the anterior region is whether you would be happy to place an apicectomy in this area. If you are confident providing surgical extractions in the posterior areas then you are probably confident to provide implants in these areas too.
If you don’t have the surgical skills related to this or wish to develop them then that can be identified and directed on courses too. You can return to an environment where you have developed your surgical skills inline with your implant practice to get better and better.
Remember that implant dentistry and the placement of implants is a surgically based aspect of dentistry and if you are not keen on surgery you would have to ask yourself why you want to place implants. It is not enough to want to place them because you think you should. If you are not happy providing the surgical aspect then you either have to learn it, or leave it and concentrate on the bits you are good at.
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