It's tempting to think that the best way to solve a problem that arises today is to work very hard at it now to avoid work, stress, and discomfort later.
And so, put down what you're doing and try to fix it so that the fire doesn't spread, so it doesn't become something greater than it already is.
Some problems, though, are unfixable, and some are just unfixable right now, so learning the ability to walk side by side with your problems (or at least some of them) is a clever skill to gain.
The ability to continue to move forward on the things that are devastatingly important right now without being distracted by something which lands and seems to be as urgent as it can be is a skill that will take you to better places further down the road.
And, of course, we all have problems in our lives, situations, calamities, disasters, and circumstances that we wish were not like that.
But the truth is that that is what life is like; some things just cannot ever be fixed, yet they continue to be part of this.
In that circumstance, it's essential to walk beside those for the rest of our lives rather than wish that there is a time that will come later when everything will be better, and we will all be problem-free.
Spending our lives being anxious about the fact that that time has not arrived is a waste of everything good that we have now.
Blog Post Number - 4055
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