A long time ago, I read a tiny little hardback book called Silence.
I can't find it now; I must have put it somewhere and probably lost it in my over-50s brain fog.
It was written by an explorer/journalist, someone who'd been to the most remote places in the world, a man who had trekked to the South Pole.
He was talking mostly through the book about what is on the other side of silence and boredom, namely, if you can actually let yourself stop and be quiet and wait and see what happens.
One of the things that I'm able to have the time to do when I have this time off work (or kind of off work) in January is just to stop, turn off the incoming, and see what happens, see what I have accrued, what I have collected, and what I have stored in my head amidst all the noise, distraction, and interruption.
It seems to be a bit of a theme for this January, really.
You should try it, even a little bit.
When you sit down somewhere quiet, and you're not speaking to anyone else (and you managed to stay awake!), don't pick up your phone; just wait and see what happens; it's brilliant…
Blog Post Number - 4047
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