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Going once - A job @TCC

Colin Campbell
by Colin Campbell on 11/12/24 18:00


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Ok, I've done this several times before; the first time I did this, we wrote a blog called 'No Superstars Required'.

For any of you who know us here at the Clinic, you will know Beatriz Sanchez.

Beatriz is an oral surgeon and implant surgeon working at the Clinic who also has a master's in implant dentistry and loads of other accolades and is generally sought after both for clinical work, education, and industry partnership.

She's an ITI fellow, completely amazing, and one of the most supportive people I know in my working life.

She was the one who applied through the blog post and got the job before she'd ever placed a single dental implant. Much of her development has gone on in tandem with the development of The Campbell Clinic and Campbell Academy.

And so it's time to release another job that we hope will become a systematic position at the practice for the next however many years.

This job is designed for someone just finishing DFT, a young graduate looking to build the foundations of an extraordinary career.

Ideally, someone who wants to be a start-to-finish implant surgeon while also being a brilliant general dental practitioner, a teacher, a researcher and someone who can inspire other people throughout their career to better things.

The job itself is full-time.

Please let me repeat that below and bold just so that everyone is aware the job is a full-time position, five days per week.

That five days will be extraordinarily varied, including your own clinical time, which will be mentored and supported at all times, shadowing more senior clinicians in the work that they do, research projects, teaching projects and full access to an extraordinary suite of courses that The Campbell Academy has to offer (obviously for free and included in your job)

The job itself will run for 24 months as a fixed-term contract in the first instance. It will include full attendance and participation in The Campbell Academy Year One Implant Course (valued at well over £10,000), followed by The Year Two Implant Course.

It will also allow access to other courses that we provide at the Campbell Academy, making this an extraordinary educational opportunity.

We would anticipate that you will produce several publications for scientific journals during your time and also develop a suite of teaching material that you'll be able to use yourself anywhere else and afterwards if you decide to leave after two years.

You will also become part of the family of The Campbell Clinic, which is an extraordinary opportunity for someone to work in a place with an atmosphere of support, guidance, and improvement.

Although this job is designed for someone who is DFT +1(or thereabouts), it's not restricted to them.

The job itself will start in September 2025 at the end of the DFT cycle, but please note that the start date can be negotiated for non-DFT applicants.

If you're interested in this job and would like to put your name forward in the first instance, then hit reply to this email, comment on the blog or email me here directly.

We'll put you on the list and release the complete job package in February 2025.

Several more of these blog posts will go out, and the job will be advertised in different places.

We already have ten applicants.

It will be competitive, but if it's you, it will be extraordinary.

See you down the road.


Blog Post Number - 4018

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Colin Campbell
Written by Colin Campbell
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