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Thinking of taking on implant dentistry?

How do I know if I’m skilled enough to become an implant dentist?

Colin Campbell
By Colin Campbell
on 12-Oct-2020 13:23:55

How do I know if I’m skilled enough to become an implant dentist?

Colin Campbell
By Colin Campbell
on 12-Oct-2020 13:23:55
  1. Identify why you would like to be involved in implant dentistry (understand implant dentistry as a surgical and restorative...
Colin Campbell
By Colin Campbell
on 28-Apr-2020 13:00:00
  1. It’s fascinating

It’s a wonderful combination of science and healthcare with boundless opportunities to learn new things and...

Colin Campbell
By Colin Campbell
on 25-Apr-2020 13:00:00

We have been involved in education in implant dentistry since the late 1990s when our journey first began, from the very early...

Colin Campbell
By Colin Campbell
on 21-Apr-2020 13:00:00

To become an implant dentist, it takes as long as it does to become a professional footballer, a violinist or a cyclist. The...

Colin Campbell
By Colin Campbell
on 18-Apr-2020 13:00:00
  1. A Dentist decides to undertake implant surgery training.
  2. Attends a modular course to understand the basic principles of...
Colin Campbell
By Colin Campbell
on 09-Apr-2020 12:09:26

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