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Just making do

Colin Campbell
by Colin Campbell on 12/10/21 18:00


Today I had all morning to provide a surgical case for a patient that I saw a few months ago. 

Becky and I were able to turn up in surgery, sedate the patient in the first instance, remove four implants and four abutments and implants that were failing and in the wrong position, clean everything up, open everything up, place more implants, graft the patient, photograph everything, put them back together, talk to the patient and their partner, x-ray the patient and do all the notes. 

Today we weren’t just making do. 

Today wasn’t a service commitment. 

It was a joy to work through the problems and difficulties that we encountered, both talking to each other as we stared at the patient under magnification to try and work through the issues we found in what was an enormously complicated case using teamwork and years of experience and partnership to try to get to a better place. 

Some days it’s a service commitment, doing the work that needs to be done.

Other days it’s a little bit more than just making do. 


Blog Post Number - 2884 

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Colin Campbell
Written by Colin Campbell
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