Vincent Fehmer received his dental technical education and degree in Stuttgart, Germany in 2002. From 2002 to 2003 he performed fellowships in Great Britain and the US in Oral Design certified dental technical laboratories. From 2003 to 2009, he worked at an Oral Design certified laboratory in Berlin, Germany - The Dental Manufaktur Mehrhof. In 2009 he received a degree as an MDT in Germany. From 2009 to 2014 he was the chief dental technician at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics in Zurich, Switzerland.
Since 2015 he has held the position of Dental Technician at the Clinic for Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials in Geneva, Switzerland and runs his laboratory in Lausanne Switzerland.
MDT Fehmer is a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology, an Active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), and a member of the Oral Design group, the European Association of Dental Technology (EADT) and German Society of Esthetic Dentistry (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde, DGÄZ). He is active as a speaker on a national and international level.
Vincent has received honours like the prize for the Best Master Program of the Year (Berlin, Germany). He has published numerous articles within the field of fixed prosthodontics and digital dental technology.
Moreover, he serves as a reviewer for several international journals and is a section editor for the International Journal of Prosthodontics.
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NG12 4JL