I've toyed with the idea of a Facebook group to go along with the podcast for a while (partly due to the phenomenal success of Dental Hacks Nation!) but do we *really* need another dental Facebook group?
As I look around the various groups, and the one issue that comes up time after time is that of people taking screenshots of posts and using them nefariously. Try as they might, admins can't stop this (despite always specifying this is against the group rules.)
There's a straightforward away around this. Encourage the taking of screenshots. You shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that what you put out into the ether via social media is private in any sense, even in private groups. And you shouldn't be saying things on social media that you wouldn't repeat in a large public forum. As a rule of thumb, if you wouldn't say it on stage in front of a few thousand people at the BDA conference, then don't say it on Facebook.
With that in mind, if we do start a Facebook group, there'll be a few house rules:
1: Screenshots are welcome. The more the merrier. The group would be there to help us all, and it's an easy way to spread information.
2: It'd be a closed group. Anyone can invite any other GDC registered professional, but only invite the kind of people who are going to help others.
3:Cases are welcome as long as you post before and after shots, and shots of how you got from A to B. No humble bragging just education. Oh, and you'll need permission from your patients, and those patients should know that their teeth are likely to be spreading around the interweb for eternity.
4: Don't be a dick. This is easier said than done, because some people take offence at any form of criticism, but just be nice.
Yes, I'm kind of making this up as I go along, but it sounds like a better place than some of the forums out there...
Like the sound of it? Get in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter, or old fashioned email (info@incisivedecisive.com) and we'll sort something out.
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