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The Year Implant Course

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Hard and Soft Tissue Masterclass
with Rony Jung

Intimate, hands-on masterclass about anterior aesthetic implant dentistry which will be novel, innovative, and unique.

The Campbell Academy is delighted to welcome back to Nottingham Rony Jung, one of the most famous implant clinicians in the world. This July, Rony will provide a two-day, intimate, hands-on education masterclass about anterior aesthetic implant dentistry, which will be novel, innovative, and unique. This event offers implant surgeons in the UK the opportunity to learn from a true expert in the field of implant dentistry.

This course is a game changer. It would utterly change your practice and be one of the educational experiences you would consider the best you've ever had.


Who is Rony Jung?

We have had a fantastic opportunity to get to know Rony over the past few years. He is everything he says he is regarding his ability and genuine kindness. Rony holds a massively senior position in the world of dentistry and implant dentistry in terms of organisation and academia in Switzerland. He is trained in oral surgery, prosthodontics, and implant therapy and is an accomplished and internationally renowned lecturer and researcher, best known for his work in the field of hard and soft tissue management and his research on new technologies in implant dentistry. He is currently Head Division of Implantology at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, Centre of Dental Medicine, University of Zürich.


Who is this course for?

It does not matter what system of implants you use, how many implants you’ve placed, or how old you are. This course will make you better, in fact probably enormously better! It will be much more than looking at slides and cutting a pig. It will be a group of like-minded people learning massively from an internationally renowned speaker, with brilliant pre-course, brilliant post-course, and brilliant follow-up.



The Learning objectives of this course are as follows:

  • Delegates will have an introduction to implantology digital diagnosis and digital workflow, from initial examination to full reconstruction.
  • Making the right decision at the time of tooth extraction. When to use what?
  • Preoperative soft tissue management in complex clinical cases.
  • Hands-on workshop: alveolar ridge preservation and soft tissue management.
  • Are immediate implants fashionable again?
  • Short/narrow implants.
  • Zirconia implants: what are my clinical benefits?
  • Next level of hard and soft tissue regeneration.
  • Bone regeneration with simultaneous implantation. Hands-on training: L-shape techniques.
  • Modern implant prosthetics and new solutions for personalised dentistry.

Watch the video below to find out more from Rony...


Course Program:



08:30                          Registration and coffee

                                    Delegates and educators to meet

08:45         CC           Introduction to the Course with Colin Campbell

09:00          RJ            The Happy Patient Concept

  • - Patient Selection
  • - How to manage patient expectation
  • - Implant Stability
  • - Cover Screws and Healing Abutments - When and Why?

10:00          RJ            Making the right decision at the right time of Extraction - The Biology and Science behind it

  • - Immediate, Type 2, Delayed OR Preserve
  • - When to use what?

11:00                           Coffee

11:30          RJ            Hands-On Workshop: Demo + Practical

  • - Alveolar Ridge Preservation and Soft Tissue Management

13:00                           Lunch

14:00         BSI            How has our Practice changed since Rony first came in 2022?

  • - When do we use Ridge Preservation?
  • - Step-by-Step Protocols
  • - Materials
  • - In-Practice Research

15:00                           Coffee

15:15          RJ            Are Immediate Implants fashionable again?

16:00   RJ & CC       Interactive Case Discussion

  • - How to approach a Clinical Case from different angles

17:00         CC           Wrap-Up of Day 1

Discussion, conclusions and close.

19:00                           Course Dinner



08:00                          Registration and coffee.

                                    Delegates and educators to meet.

08:30         RJ            Review of Day 1

09:00         RJ            Short / Narrow Implants New Clinical Perspectives

10:00                           Coffee

10:20         RJ            Next Level of Hard and Soft Tissue Regeneration

  • - Simultaneous Placement and Regeneration

12:20                           Lunch 

12:50         RJ            Hands-On Workshop: Demo + Practical

  • - L-Shape Technique

14:20                           Coffee

14:40         RJ            Modern Implant Prosthetic and new solutions for Personalised Dentistry

15:40         RJ            Wrap-Up of Day 2

  • - Discussion, conclusions and close.

Rony Jung

Prof. Dr. med. dent. PhD

Chairman and Clinic Director of the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich

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Rony Jung is trained in oral surgery, prosthodontics, and implant therapy. He is currently Head Division of Implantology at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zürich.

In 2006 he worked as Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Periodontics at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, USA (Chairman: Prof. Dr. D. Cochran). In 2008 he finalised his „Habilitation“ (venia legendi) in dental medicine and was appointed at the University of Zürich.

11th & 12th July 2024
The Campbell Academy, Nottingham
£2,400 Inc. VAT
Please get in touch with us regarding group bookings!
12 hours


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