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The Campbell Clinic Handbook and Tech Stack - A blueprint for building your business!

For over 10 years, we didn’t have a handbook. In those 10 years, when new people joined the company, they were expected to figure things out for themselves. But when we grew from a company of 5, 10, and 20 employees to a company of over 45, our casual introduction style stopped working.

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So this is where we’ll try to share what’s worth knowing about us - the company, our culture, our process, and our history. It’s a guide to understanding what people are talking about when they talk about “game face”, to know what our HR benefits are, what our team days look like (usually a lot of fun), and hopefully everything in between.

This handbook also offers us an opportunity to clarify who we actually are as a company. What we stand for. How we should work. Stating those beliefs in a handbook makes them real and, importantly, holds us accountable.

You will also receive a copy of our Tech Stack - the set of technologies our business uses each and every day!

Some additional information in one line

Download The Campbell Clinic Staff Handbook and Tech Stack