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Advance your career with Dental Implants

Is this you? 
  • - You want to broaden your skill set into the surgical side of dentistry.
  • - You have decided to invest in your postgraduate dental implant training.
  • - You are looking for training that you can fit around your day job.

If you’ve answered yes to any of these, then you’ve come to the right place! Let's start with a 30 minute phone conversation with one of our Campbell Academy Directors to discuss your career goals and how our training options can help you get there. Request your FREE personal consultation by filling out the form.

Having delivered dental implant training for many years, we understand the obstacles to getting started and honing your skills. That’s why we always put together a personalised action plan to map out your Implant Education Journey with The Campbell Academy.

Have you heard of The Year Implant Course?
This comprehensive programme is desgined to give you a solid foundation from which to build your career in implant dentistry. Through the course you will gain the necessary scientific and practical knowledge to begin planning and executing implant cases in your own practice. 


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