The Campbell Academy Blog


Written by Colin Campbell | 17/02/20 18:00

Please see previous blog here.

Things that I have given away, temporarily or forever in the pursuit of utter madness and wonder that this project is.

  1. Significant time with my family.

I treasure the time that I have with my family, some of the best things that I do in my life are spent with them and there is no question that I have given significant amounts of that away and significantly more of that away than I ever did in the past. To me that is a sacrifice indeed and would of never of been possible had it not been for the enormous support that my family give me.

  1. I have sacrificed my health and fitness.

At the start of this process I vowed that I would keep myself fit and well and drive my fitness through the process to keep my head clear and to allow me to manage. That was all well and good until about the 20th December and then I lost it entirely. The weight has gone on and the fitness had gone down, but inevitably this was a sacrifice I would have had to make. I have even had a few days when my blood pressure has gone up and that is a bad sign for me, I think I was even at one stage during January where I was losing weight through the process.

  1. I have lost my friends, I am not always the best at keeping up with my friends in any event, but I have been terrible at answering messages and texts to people who have tried to look after me, there has just not been the space, nor the time.
  2. I have lost a significant part of myself, the creative part of myself, the one that reads, listens and looks, there was a time when that vanished in the madness of information and decision making.

This is not a blog to make you feel sorry for me, I chose this and in my heart of hearts knew exactly how it would be, it is just a message to myself, a diary entry so that I understand the next time I do something like this, how it will be again.

Blog Post Number - 2280