The Campbell Academy Blog

DID - Surgery

Written by Colin Campbell | 29/09/19 17:00

I wrote the outline of the Digital Implant Dentistry course on the plane to and from China last year, that’s how long ago we were planning this.

I used a Seth Gordon project planner book for the first time, and I went on to order three.

This book takes you through a plan for something new, where you try to disrupt the system or change what’s normal into something that is exceptional.

That is exactly what we have tried to do with Digital Implant Dentistry (DID). In March of this year the DID kicks off for the first time, I guess much of the same way our year long kicked off for the first time four years ago.

The first three days will be a range of different speakers trying to take a group of delegates to a base line in digital dentistry to a much higher level of understanding and confidence.

Even if you think you know what you’re doing in Digital Implant Dentistry I bet you have made your gaps (I know I have) and this course is designed to help fill in the gaps or to take you from no knowledge to a much deeper knowledge in the space of a few days.

We’ve worked very hard to figure out how to cement that knowledge going forwards, because it is not enough that we talk at you for three days and give you a handout.

The course will be full of hands on, group discussion, live surgery and (hopefully) your own surgery.

The theoretical stuff at the start of the course will be taken into the practical towards the end and you’ll be able to take this forwards to build it into your own practice and to develop a system for Digital Implant Dentistry that works for you.

Worth noting at this point that we are not suggesting you have to buy any major hardware to do this in your own practice.

Taimoor, who will be speaking on the course does not have an intraoral scanner or a CT scanner at his practice (not yet anyway) and he will be one of the best exponents of the scale that you are ever likely to see.

We have protocol to introduce you to this concept, whether you have a CT scanner or an Intraoral scanner or both or neither and that is one of the beauties of this course.

The advantages of Digital Implant Dentistry are massive but there are hacks and bugs and disadvantages that you need to know about before you jump forwards.

I am sad and glad to say that we seem to have encountered almost every complication and made every mistake possible so far – and we are delighted to share these with you.

There is also some research in there, so you know that we are on the right track as far as what the research says (there are 1,862 papers investigating artificial intelligence in CBCT).

There are 16 places on this course and people have already booked on it even before it has been launched.

It is one of the biggest supported in education endeavours that Straumann have ever been involved in and it will be held at the new clinic and academy facility.

Please get in touch if you’re interested, we would love to have a conversation to see whether this might fit for you.

Just email

Blog Post Number - 2141