The Campbell Academy Blog

50 Sub-contractors

Written by Colin Campbell | 10/11/19 18:00

There are 50 sub-contracting companies on the building site for our new practice at the moment.

There are 12 people in the project meeting on Thursday.

This meeting assesses where we have come since the last project meeting a month ago and where we are heading towards the next one.

It looks at the cost increases and the design changes and the days that have been lost because of the weather, accidents on the site, challenges and problems and all the types of things that can be overcome.

Whilst we are having a meeting in a porta-cabin on a building site, the 50 contracting companies are working around us.

I hardly know the names of the people around the table at the project meeting, let alone the sub-contractors.

I pay them all.

Despite the fact that everyone is a little bit defensive, there is a can-do attitude and we are moving and it is now moving so fast that it is hard to keep up.

The line between delegation and abnegation is very, very grey.

There is stuff going on that I look at and think I am not happy with that, but then again I am not a builder so how would I know, the trust that I am putting in other people is extraordinary, but it is on track and on time (even if an extraordinarily amount over budget).

Where do you learn to do this?

Is it hardware or is it software?

The ability to delegate and leave vs the necessity to micro-manage and keep in touch.

You can micro-manage everything you want in your life.

You can micro-manage your marriage.

You can micro-manage parenting your children.

You can micro-manage your hobby.

You can micro-manage everything you do at work.

Soon enough though, you will find out that there is not enough time in the day in the modern world to act like that.

Soon enough you will realise that you have to delegate trust.

Sub-contractors have no idea who I am on this site.

I walk towards the building today and said hi to a couple of the guys, they have no idea who I am or why I am there, to them I am another sub-contractor.

Without the ability to let it go, it would never happen.

Can you imagine me managing 50 sub-contracting companies?

Delegation is the most important skill to develop to move it along and to make it better.

Might be time you looked at our business course at the academy.

I had a personalised comedy card this week from someone who attended our business course. The card is beautiful and full of photographs of the course and the ball and all other things.

It is from someone who has now learned how to delegate after having worked for this year with a principle who learned how to delegate and then delegated to them so that they could delegate to others.

Imagine what would be possible if we could do that.


Blog Post Number - 2182