The Campbell Academy Blog

Who dares wins (Rodney)

Written by Colin Campbell | 25/02/20 18:00

You can lead a horse to water but there is no way you can make it drink if it doesn’t want to.

You can see an opportunity for someone but if they do not want to take it or they cannot handle a risk to move to somewhere better you are completely wasting your time.

Most people want evolution and not revolution and I can appreciate that.

The difficulty with evolution though, is that it takes an awful long time to get to a better place and sometimes when you are travelling through that landscape you get derailed and never make it to the place that you were going to.

I have asked a lot of people recently to step across the chasm into what I see as a place that I can travel to.

It’s not for everyone and not everyone can see it.

I get disappointed and upset that people can’t see the future that I can see and that is wrong. I have always said that there are benefits to being in Colin’s world but there is also a cost to pay to be there, it is ok if people don’t want to pay that cost because in the end I might be left here on my own.

There is also a chance though, that we might win big and if you didn’t want to take the risk to get there and lost out, you shouldn’t regret that either.

Blog Post Number -  2287