The Campbell Academy Blog

Who am I?

Written by Colin Campbell | 03/10/18 17:00

Observation tells me that too often we are defined by the things that we do and not actually the people we are.

Thinking about that sounds nuts and daft because what are we but a collection of our own deeds? But all too often the positions we hold or the jobs we do or the activities we pursue become bigger than the people we are.

On the way back from Italy last week there was a group of guys who had quite obviously been at a bodybuilder competition near Venice at the same time that I was riding my bike.

One of the guys was utterly enormous.

Simon and I laughed about who would have the misfortune of sitting beside him on a budget airline and, of course, the ‘misfortune’ fell to me!

I decided to throw away my preconceptions and speak to this guy, who I was fascinated about, and I introduced myself to him and asked him about the competition he had been to.

He introduced himself as AKA The Giant (his Instagram name)!!


His name is actually Jamie and he had just won a competition that enabled him to turn professional as a bodybuilder days before. We actually had a really fun conversation (entirely about him admittedly) but I learned a lot and it was interesting and made the flight pass really quickly.

I couldn’t help think that Jamie isn’t Jamie anymore though, he’s AKA The Giant and when AKA The Giant isn’t fashionable or trendy or big enough or attractive enough he might struggle to turn back to Jamie again.

So I guess for the record, what this ramble is about is…

  1. I’m not Colin the dentist. I’m Colin who is a dentist.
  2. I’m not Colin the businessman. I’m Colin who happens to have a business (two businesses actually) which allow him to work in the environment he likes and chooses, sometimes reluctantly.
  3. I’m not Colin the cyclist. I’m Colin who likes to ride a bike and, as the results from last weekend would show, not so well compared to the good guys.
  4. I am Colin the husband and I am Colin the dad. They are jobs that define me but I could lose the rest of it and still be Colin and dust myself down and carry on.

 It seems to me that the really important things often pass us by in a blur and we don’t even notice because we’re too bust being a thing related to a story that other people tell us.

Blog Post Number: 1783