The Campbell Academy Blog

Under your nose

Written by Colin Campbell | 02/06/22 17:00

I had the most extraordinary experience with a new patient the other week.  

It was just a little old lady who attended to see me with dental problems with an aging dentition falling to bits.

I asked her what she’d done for a living before she retired and she had the most extraordinary patchwork career in lots of different areas, just jumping from interesting thing to interesting thing.

It was her travelling experiences that were the most fantastic.

She’s been to Everest basecamp (twice). She’s trekked through Nepal and Tibet and has seen the desecrated buddha statues that were looted by the Chinese government.

She’s travelled widely through Europe, but she didn’t find it that exciting, what she likes is remote and wild.

We talked for a few minutes about the rock formation she saw as she got off the bus of the tiny detail she remembers in Tibet.

I told her that was like the dog walk in the morning around my little bit of West Bridgford.

When I’m ok, when I’m at my best (and that is more and more again) every dog walk is different. I notice things that I’ve never seen before.

The more I see like that, the more I think like that, the better I am.

It’s hard to pull myself away from the modern distractions that keep me from seeing the things under my nose are certainly worth the effort.


Blog Post Number - 3099