The Campbell Academy Blog

Took me a while

Written by Colin Campbell | 26/04/24 17:00

There will always be trolls or people who shout at you from across the street or the keyboard, people who don't like what you do.

People whose view of the world differs from yours shout at you at the football games you coach for your son when you run the line, and the parents think you're a cheat or the opposition coach doesn't like how you behave. 

There will always be people on social media who will just drop bile on any sort of post or any sort of progress that they don't like or want to challenge, and that's OK.

We had an ITI study club this week in the practice, and a small interaction of that type emerged on social media. Someone questioned this or that because they just actually didn't like what we're doing or were jealous or unhappy. Someone sent me a screenshot of the post and said, "Oh, have you seen this, and do you want me to answer?" 

But the answer really is almost always, 'No, I don't really care if you don't like it; just switch it off, don't pour bile onto it, don't go in hard and drop sh*t onto it, just walk away and go into your own world'. 

You can create your own thing, have your own social media, have your own tribe, and have your own followers, and talk to each other. If you've got something constructive to say, then say it nicely and constructively, and then we can have a conversation, but if all you want to do is troll or call me a hypocrite or question the qualifications of somebody who's speaking, just leave it be and walk away and go and do something else.

I always found the joy of social media was the fact that I could switch it off and then I did and although it took me a while to not ever have to be bothered about trolls, I think I finally got there.

I always go back to the point that Chris taught me that there's no point in wrestling with the pigs in sh*t because the sh*t stinks, and the pigs love it.

I'll just go over here and do something else.


Blog Post Number - 3789