The Campbell Academy Blog

Thinking about September – part 1

Written by Colin Campbell | 14/06/22 17:00

On the 15th of September this year we begin the next edition of our business course which started so far back I can hardly remember but maybe in 2016 or 2017.

At that stage, and in conjunction with Straumann, we had this idea that we would try to work together with people to improve their understanding of dental business using some extraordinary individuals to speak with and also the mistakes that we’d made in building a business up.

Some people raise their eyebrows at that because we didn’t seem like a business which was big enough or successful enough to talk to other people about business but the people that came massively appreciated what we were doing and the success stories that have come out and the different iterations of the business course have been absolutely staggering.


We have literally dozens of people who are happy to tell everybody that the recent success of their practice has been based on the fundamental foundations of the business course because it made them stop and think about what they were doing, decide how they might do it better and then implement that with a plan to do so.

The thing about the busines course is that it’s nothing for nothing. There is a cost for the course but more than that there is a dedication and a commitment to attending, turning up and doing the work that makes your business better.

Good businesses don’t become good businesses by chance.

And so, I’m sure that you might find yourself at the current time busier than you can imagine and wondering how you’re going to manage all the work that you have, both clinically and non-clinically and the devastating impact on your quality of life that being busy always creates.

In our place we always talk about the situation where ‘the stress of busy is much better than the stress of quiet’.

But for all of us the stress of quiet will be upon us soon enough.

And so, to understand how to make time to work on your business and then to decide what things to work on when you have that time are perhaps the most fundamental things, we can do to improve our businesses and to improve our lives, not only with our teams but with our families.

And so, the first thing that we must understand is our mission.

The cleverest people who run the biggest businesses understand the concept of mission but if you don’t know what yours is, how can you possibly carve a path towards achieving what you would want to achieve.

And so, at the start of the business course this is what we do and encourage and enable people to decide what their mission and their vision actually is and from that we can decide what story they want to tell, how they will spend the money of their business to make that happen and how they will decide who they need, why they need them and what they will pay them so that they can move forwards to implement the plan that they have.

When they sign up to be businesspeople. When they sign up to run a business and to look after a team, that’s what we sign up to do.

We don’t sign up to work harder and take all their money and keep it away from our team. We sign up to inspire people and to build people up so that they can take ownership in the business that we have, and we can all move forwards together.

The first module of the business course which runs over 2 days on the 14th & 15th of September will be, among other things, a lesson in how to do that.

A lesson in how to be honest with yourself about what you would like to achieve, whether it’s to sell your business within 5 years and retire or to build something for the next 100 years or anything between.

It’s hugely liberating when someone teaches you this and when you do it and you have a mission that you can run towards it’s makes the difficult decisions in your business and your life much, much easier because all you have to do is return to the mission.

We have 4 places left on this course and I don’t doubt that they will go and disappear soon enough but if you’re the type of person who wants to engage in this and who wants to turn their business into something that they are much prouder of and which is much more successful (however that success is identified to you) then click here or speak to us and see whether this might be the place you’d like to go.


Blog Post Number - 3111