The Campbell Academy Blog

The list

Written by Colin Campbell | 07/08/19 17:00

Do you have a list?

Do you have many?

Are your lists to do with work?

Are your lists to do with you?

Are your lists, jobs or tasks that need to be done, for the family?

I have some lists.

Here’s some examples of what’s on them.

  1. Try to meditate every day for 15 minutes (almost never happens).
  2. Train at an average 1.75 hours per week (almost never happens!)
  3. Get my hair cut.
  4. Get my feet cut.
  5. Get my eyes tested.
  6. See my physio for my broken limbs.
  7. Meditate again (never happens).
  8. Plan football coaching session for Friday night.
  9. Plan the Governors meeting.
  10. Plan all the meetings at work to do with; Senior Leadership Team, Marketing, Finance etc, etc, etc.
  11. Build a new practice.
  12. Call the bank.
  13. Complete a speed awareness course.
  14. Plan next years training events and plan a training schedule (never get anywhere near meeting it).
  15. Meet some friends to feed my soul.
  16. Take my son to the cinema.
  17. Spend some quality time with my daughters - talking to them about the future.
  18. Be a husband (whatever that might mean on any given day).
  19. Train some more (because I have to? Because I want to? Because I should do? Because I have something coming up that’s going to be terrible?)
  20. Meet with Jordan, (who’s typing this and who I don’t meet with enough).
  21. Meet with anybody and everybody in the practice that I need to catch up with (nearly 40 people now).
  22. Write a blog.
  23. Create another 15 blogs.
  24. Pack for holiday.
  25. Book car parking for the holiday.

It sometimes feels like my life is like a pack of cards, that someone threw into the garden, during gale force winds.

Wait for the wind to die down a bit, go into the garden and collect whatever cards you can find, accept that some will be missing and sort out the rest and then modify the rules to the game and if you don’t have enough cards to play, what you were playing before.


Blog Post Number - 2087