The Campbell Academy Blog

The Education Sweet Spot

Written by Colin Campbell | 09/03/24 18:00

As delegates on courses or people who seek out education, we understand that there is only so much we can take in at a time, only so much transformation that can happen in a short period.

And so when I turn up to attend courses and on my own CPD journey, I've always worked on the principle that if I pick something out of the course each day that changes my practice, just one thing, then it's value for money and worth it.

I always had this agreement with Chris (Barrow) when he was coaching me that we would get to a point during the day where we hit the sweet spot and we wouldn't have to do anymore because that was enough value going forward for the rest of my life.

As delegates, we understand this but for anyone who has the privilege to educate it flips around the other way, we try to educate people with a fire hose giving them the maximum value because we perceive the maximum value to be the most amount of information in one go.

In my early days, I always used to have 150 slides for a 45-minute lecture because I felt that the more slides I gave people the more value I gave them.

As I go on, I provide less and less slides for more and more time because what you need in education is insight and things which change your practice and your life for the rest of the days that you have, not just for today.

Funny videos and cartoons and captions are nice, you draw the audience in but it's the money shot, it's the thing that you show someone that they can do differently every single day as they move along, which gives them the maximum value.

So if you can give one magic thing in an all day lecture, then you've won but realistically, you try to give more.

So there is a sweet spot between the 150 slides and the one slide that we're all trying to find as educators and as delegates (students).


Blog Post Number - 3741