The Campbell Academy Blog

That Friday feeling

Written by Colin Campbell | 15/01/21 18:00

It’s Friday night in a minute. Does it feel special?

If Friday’s stop feeling special, it’s because what you did stopped making it feel special.

It used to feel special because it was a change from the norm, something different, either something relaxing or something exciting, either not work or some activity that you weren’t able to do because of work.

If it’s not special now, you could either change what you do on a Friday night or change what you do in the rest of the week to make the thing you do on a Friday special.

Sitting down, relaxing, drinking a beer and watching Netflix is a wonderful thing to do in moderation.

Seven nights a week it becomes the normal and the normal becomes routine and the routine becomes dull.

How about we spend the time between the Friday’s making a difference, making it better, learning about things and pushing it forwards.

Then we can celebrate on a Friday.


Blog Post Number - 2615