The Campbell Academy Blog

Survival and the Trackable Pill

Written by Colin Campbell | 26/11/17 18:00

BBC news reported that the federal drug administration in the United States has approved the first trackable pill. You can read it here.

This is a pill that you can swallow and can then be tracked by an electronic devise to ensure compliance.

The first real big step to nava technology in day-to-day life.

You can see where this is going and you can forget about ID cards because this is the ID card.

If you thought you were just going to be able to make it before the world changed in a way to alter your life out of all recognition you were either wrong or 80.

You can try to survive if you want, but it’s not a very pleasant existence.

It’s time to realise that these things are coming and we need to get our heads up and engage otherwise the world will pass us by and we won’t like the decisions that are made.


Blog post number: 1474