The Campbell Academy Blog

Stamina, resilience and focus

Written by Colin Campbell | 30/05/20 17:00

I’ve written a lot about resilience over the past 2300 or so blogs particularly in how we try to instil this into our Children.

Up until this point in 21st century history the big thing we were talking about was a ‘snowflake generation' or how our youngsters were entitled.

Now the requirement to ensure they have stamina and resilience is crucial.

Very hard though to teach stamina and resilience to our children when we can’t teach it to ourselves or certainly when we don’t practice it.

Obviously, I’m talking to myself here, but to see our way through the other side to the ‘new world’ is to be able to hold our ground and stay strong.

It requires stamina but it requires resilience which is to say that we have to be able to learn to deal with the recurring anxiety and negative instincts that we find ourselves feeling on an almost day-to-day basis in the midst of the pandemic.

Funny though because the narrative changes over time and the things that require our stamina and resilience alter as the story changes.

For me I remember being worried that there would not be enough food in the supermarkets and how we might navigate that.

Next there was a genuine concern for the health of people around me which has now basically passed as I look through the statistics and find that I’m really the only person in my house who is at risk because of my age!

Following on from that was the fear of complete financial ruin which has subsided now to just partial financial ruin.

There is also the fear of how much work it’s going to take to get things back on track to a situation that looks anything like the comfortable situation we were in before that we didn’t realise we were in until we weren’t in it anymore.

So the chance to do the ‘crazy’ and the ‘out there’ and the 'bizarre' project has subsided for a while in return for focus on what’s important.

A short time spent focusing on the what’s important and applying the principles of resilience and stamina are likely to take us all to a place that’s probably a little bit better than the place we are now. 

Obviously that’s not the case for everyone, some people are in a fantastic place at the moment because their job is secure, they have plenty of money and they’re enjoying the best parts of this.

For those in society who have been ‘locked out’ of employment and I include the hairdressers and the pub owners and the restaurant owners and the many other people in the hospitality sectors and the Dentists and the Physiotherapists and the Chiropractors and the Podiatrists and the Private Hospitals (and basically the whole of the West End of London’s Health care system) this story is a little bit different.

We can’t fix this one quickly and so we have to learn to accept the circumstances that we find ourselves in and chart a course to a better place.


Blog Post Number - 2384