The Campbell Academy Blog

Space to dream

Written by Colin Campbell | 25/07/18 17:00

I know things are pretty good when there’s space in my life to dream about what might be.

I took my son to swimming on Saturday morning, we walked up with the dog and I walked back in the sunshine with just my own head to talk to.

There was nothing crowding me out, nothing to worry about, no conversations to practice.

I could just let my mind think about things that it wanted to think about or ideas it wanted to create or wonderful places I might go that might never happen.

I’ve had a thousand ideas and a thousand days that never came to anything – sometimes that drives people insane. But every so often one of those ideas is good and it works and it moves everything forwards, either for my family or myself or my work or something else.

You’ll never have a good idea if you don’t have lots of bad ones.

I should manufacture time in my week for dreaming and scheming but I don’t think it works that way... I don’t think life works that way.

You can’t force creativity and drop it into your schedule in a 15 minute gap between a meeting and a patient and a telephone call.

You can design a life though where it’s more likely to happen and that is easier than it sounds.


Blog Post Number: 1714