The Campbell Academy Blog


Written by Colin Campbell | 19/07/18 17:00

It’s Monday night and I’ve just finished reading about today’s Brexit crisis.

As the Conservative Party falls apart with divisions opening up, only someone living on the moon could not have seen people begin to wonder how we got here.

This isn’t a political blog and it couldn’t be because I’m apolitical, but the main protagonists here wanted this. This is what they set out to get and this is the seeds they sowed.

It’s funny when things come home and when the crop matures and it’s harvested and it’s not what you expected.

Boris Johnson quit tonight, in the midst of a crisis when his country needs leaders and people to steer the ship through waters that will become increasingly more difficult, and he was one of the main farmers who sowed the seeds back when the referendum was happening.

It’s not whether I agree or disagree with leaving the European Union, it’s whether I agree or disagree with the amount of information that was given to the public about what it would be like if we did leave or what it would be like if we stayed.

The guys who sowed the seeds didn’t tell us about this bit – about how bad it could become from here.

They abdicated their responsibility for telling the truth because they knew what was possible and what could happen but kept silent, only bigging up the possible good bits.

Sowing is what we do all the time, even when we’re reaping. As you collect what’s coming to you now for what you sowed earlier, so you set the ground straight for the next one.

Parenting is the best example that I have.

The shortcut now, the easy route, the least stress, the more sleep, the limited confrontation, in the end that comes back to bite you. It seems that very few people want to take responsibility now for the things that they sow.

They don’t want to do that right and they don’t want to let it grow. They don’t want to harvest it carefully so there’s room left for another crop after this one, and another one after that.

Everybody wants it quick, everybody wants it now and everybody wants to damn anybody that comes after them because they don’t count.

The behaviour of politicians is no different to the behaviour of society as a whole. It’s just that they’re looked at through a magnifying glass.

Society wants it too easy (in general) they don’t want to take the responsibility for sowing for the future and they don’t want to take the responsibility of reaping carefully to allow us to do it again.

As Downing Street bombs with the fire of Brexit, the UK is more interested in the two new guys going into Love Island tonight.


Blog Post Number: 1708