The Campbell Academy Blog

(Sometimes) Celebrating success

Written by Colin Campbell | 14/11/17 18:00

Sometimes at the Clinic and at the Academy we’ve all got our heads down working so hard that it’s hard to take a minute to celebrate the successes.

Sometimes you’re working on things that aren’t going the way they’re supposed to go and the things that are going well just pass you by because they don’t need your attention.

For people who read this blog regularly you’ll know about the basis upon which we set up The Academy. A combination of ethical teaching, building a tribe and also doing something that was within walking distance from my house and practice.

Just last week though we have had a fantastic group of successes that came our way that I think is worth sharing for anybody who may be considering the opportunity of joining our tribe and beginning a journey with us.

From the outset we were concerned by the industry figures that only 9% of people who do surgical implant courses are placing implants 2 years later. Our 2 year figures are out and 77.78% of the delegates from our Implant Course are still placing implants a year later (we are working with the 22.22% who are not still). Probably (although not exclusively) that accounts for the fact that there are only a couple of places left on next years Year Long course for 2018, so if it is something you’re thinking about then why not click the link here to download and look at our programme.

Also as a result of this and the way that we interact with our delegates the first addition of our Year 2 course for more advanced implant training is already full.

Our Aesthetic Live Skills for 2018 is full and that course is almost full for 2019 so if you’re interested in that have a look at it here but you best get in quick because I think it’s almost gone.

Finally the Business course that we set up last year which was such a wonderful experience, you can look at the video of it here is full for next year but we’re taking expressions of interest for 2019 which starts in February of that year. If you want to know what people have said about that course this year then here is a testimonial taken by one of the delegates who attended.

It was always the plan to try to create something long term with The Academy where we were not scrabbling for delegates for courses month after month but try to invite people to come and experience amazing high quality CPD and great surroundings with nice people. Certainly at the moment it appears that is working and the unfortunate side effect of that is that the courses book well in advance (at least it gives you the chance to plan things from a long way out). We’re always here if you need anything, get in touch.


Blog post number: 1460