The Campbell Academy Blog

Some books

Written by Colin Campbell | 03/01/21 18:00

Generally, at this time of the year I post a blog about books I’ve read over the last little while, mostly because Seth Godin does this too and some people do come back to me through the year and tell me that they picked stuff up.

So, stuff that I’ve been reading or listening to this year which might be of help to you is listed below, give me a shout if you like any of these or if you have a go at any:

If you’re looking at something long-term, particularly a business or an organization this is for you (he is always brilliant).

Utterly brilliant description of what’s going on in the world and how austerity effected everyone and everything and how it will effect them again soon.

I have returned back to this again, mostly because I’m doing a Master Class in consultations for The Campbell Academy this year. One of the most important books I’ve ever read in terms of how to interact with people on a day-to-day basis.

Seth Godin’s new book about how to turn up everyday and make things a little bit better. That’s what I’ll be trying to do this year.

Utter brilliance in future planning. I’ve blogged about this quite a lot but it’s absolutely changed the way I look at the future and moving forwards.

On how to get off your phone

Completely ridiculous and vintage Alan Partridge stuff but really kept me going on dog walks.

From years ago I returned back to Red Strom Rising, this is the most extraordinary thriller about a future third world war without nuclear weapons. It follows the main protagonists in the battle and is stunning. 

Is a joy and a beautiful paperback thing (Thanks Ross).

The next book I’ll be doing is Range by David Epstein. This is recommended to me by John Gibson and any recommendation by John Gibson needs to be read but it’s also recommended and reviewed by Malcolm Gladwell. I’ll let you know how I get on.

If you want to get ahead of the curve this is probably the one for you.


Blog Post Number - 2603