The Campbell Academy Blog

Seeking recognition

Written by Colin Campbell | 16/08/20 17:00

I grew up in a world where ‘status seekers’ were few and far between.

They did exist, but they were looked upon with disdain by the group who, in general, pulled together as a community.

The world is very different now.

I was riding my bike in the shed the other morning and decided that I would have an hour of listening to David Bowie to catapult me back to the 1980’s. 

Thinking back to that time it seems to me that status was not such a big issue at all.

If I was lucky enough to go our for a meal with my parents (and that was not regular) we didn’t feel the need to telegraph it to the whole of society. We didn’t have the means to do that anyway.

Catapult forwards more than 30 years and everybody wants to be famous (or so it seems).

The funny thing is that it’s easy to see as you look through anything in the news related to celebrities or famous people that the ratio of happiness and percentage of that group that are happy is certainly no better than other groups and in many cases it appears to be considerably worse.

Our addiction for recognition, for celebrity status, to be known and recognised is toxic and without end.

Perhaps, I hope, things will switch in the opposite direction where anonymity and solitude become much more important than the urge to post pictures of your breakfast on social media.


Blog Post Number - 2462