The Campbell Academy Blog


Written by Colin Campbell | 29/05/20 17:00

Sebastian Kuhl is a Professor of Oral Surgery at the University of Basel.

Much cooler than that though, he used to play for Borussia Dortmund in the Bundesliga.

Even cooler than that though, he is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever come across in Dentist and I haven’t even met him.

This time last year, maybe a little bit later, I was on a Zoom call (yes, I did Zoom before COVID-19) and I was in my dining room with the back doors to the garden open.

I was talking to Sebastian Kuhl about coming to do a Master Class in June 2020.

Together with that we arranged for me to go to the University of Basel to meet with him and Michael Bornstein and Tim Joda who are all colleagues and high level ITI guys that provide the best type of work in Implant Dentistry.

Obviously, the trip was cancelled due to COVID and so Sebastian now presents his Master Class next week on Zoom as part of The Campbell Academy series.

Sebastian is an expert in Guided Surgery and in ‘proper guided surgery’.

He’s an expert at producing ideal diagnostic Wax-ups to put implants in exactly the right position and then to place implants using full guided surgery protocols.

He’s such an expert that he was able to develop systems to put this through a whole hospital department so that everybody at every level would be able to utilise the skills that he wished them to.

For six hours on Wednesday next week he’ll tell us how he did that and allow us to take all the tips and knowledge that he has to do with it, to take into our own Practices for when we’re doing guided surgery again.

It’s based around the Straumann System but is applicable across all systems.

It’s low numbers on this Master Class and question & answer and so there will be tons of interactions and if we decide to do some break-out rooms of very small numbers we’ll do that to.

In the evening following the Master Class Sebastian will also present an ITI Study Club nationally to the UK on Zirconia (he calls is Circonia) and short implants and will go through the research and details associated with this.

If you’re not an ITI member but you haven’t been to an ITI Study Club before that ones free, if you are an ITI member you can attend for free.

All day on Wednesday is a chance to do some brilliant and high level CPD that will make you better in your implant practice in the ‘new world’, if you’re interested in the Master Class email and similarly email Millie if you’re interested in the ITI study Club and we’ll make arrangements to get you on as a guest.

Look forward to seeing you next week, it’s a really positive and forward moving day of quality education and I will be a delegate and I’m really excited.


Blog Post Number - 2383