The Campbell Academy Blog

Reaching the income ceiling…

Written by Colin Campbell | 18/11/18 18:00

What do you do when you reach the top?

When the personal growth in your income graph has levelled off.

You’ve worked your way up the ranks or through the field or up the training pyramid and there doesn’t seem to be anywhere else to go.

I see it quite a lot in my work and in my industry.

When I first qualified it was obvious what would happen to new dentists.

They would have an exponential income curve through their twenties which would level off… and then what?

It happens with staff as well who reach a senior position and then have nowhere else to progress to apart from out of the business.

So, what do we do?

It seems to me there are two choices…

  1. Find joy and stimulation and interest and fulfilment in something other than the bottom line.
  2. Manufacture a situation to improve the income.

It seems to me, in my business at least, that lots of people have grabbed on to doing things that they don’t really like or don’t really know much about in order to try to keep the graph going upwards.

It also seems to me that option 1 is probably the better option for the longer term and for happiness.


Blog Post Number: 1829