The Campbell Academy Blog

Reach for reach sake

Written by Colin Campbell | 27/01/24 18:00

We are almost at 3700 blogs, and I am super proud of the blog and so glad I have continued it, particularly when I felt like I wanted to stop.

I'm also really, really grateful to Millie, who helps produce it every single day and helps to chase me up when there is no content for the blog when there should be.

But it's interesting to reflect on that during this time when I'm not quite working so hard (the sabbatical has not been much of a sabbatical this year, as I've worked a lot), but we're nearly at 3700 and what I would like to do is write a blog for myself (I have always said that) and if anyone wants to join the party, that is fine.

I think I will continue to write like this forever, even if I don't have a Millie anymore, even if I don't have someone else.

But a few years ago, we cut the blog back and asked people to put their hands up to see if they wanted to see it or not.

When we entered the GDPR time, we decided to go for permission marketing at its very best. 

And so we cut everybody off, apart from the ones who said they wanted to stay, so the 'reach' of the blog fell enormously because we had masses of anonymous people who never actually read it on our list and who didn't want to be on our list, even though we could say there were this many.

And so I think we're heading towards a time where it's time to do that again.

So I'll be mulling this over in my mind, but I think over a period of weeks or a month or so, we'll just say to people, ' Please click here if you still want to get it,' and the people who don't will go, but the people that do will be the ones that actively do.

It's also good to know for anyone watching that I often respond to comments on the blog but know that I read every single comment that anyone has left, but with a smaller, more committed group of people who are happy to comment, maybe we'll have more discussion and more interaction in a safe place where we can share our views knowing that we won't be punched in the head.

It's lovely that the blog has the reach that it has, and it's lovely that I get such wonderful responses, but it only really needs to be for the people who are actually interested and not for other people's inboxes, which jam them with spam.


Blog Post Number - 3700