The Campbell Academy Blog

Physician First?

Written by Colin Campbell | 12/02/18 18:00

Please read this as a pre warning of a Master class that we’re hosting next year for The Campbell Academy in conjunction with an ITI study club in the evening.

We decided to invite Professor John Gibson again (Professor of Medicine in relation to Dentistry at University of Glasgow) to do another Master class for us on the 12th September running into an ITI study club in the evening. For the sake of people who are uninitiated to ITI study clubs, these are essentially implant study clubs but are open to anyone who has not attended more than 2 as a guest. If you have not attended an ITI study club before and you fancy the content of this one then you’re welcome to attend as our guest.

Last year John gave a 6 hour Master class on medicine in relation to (implant) dentistry but it really was just medicine in relation to dentistry.

It was a very small and select group he presented to and it was one of the best pieces of CPD I’ve done for many years running right across the whole of my practice and affecting every single patient I saw.

Because this was so good we’ve decided to invite John back to do an abbreviated version of that Master class in an ITI study club in the evening which will be a 90 minute lecture plus questions and answers to follow. I would recommend this to anybody who practices dentistry and who treats patients.

The re curser to that will be a 6 hour Master class during the day where John will explore local anaesthetics and diagnosis and management of facial pain.

In keeping with the theme of the Master classes over the last few years we wanted to go ‘back to basics’ and have previously had Master classes on anatomy and medicine in relation to dentistry and now we will have one on local anaesthetics. I don’t know about you but I haven’t studied local anaesthetics properly since I was at dental school, never in a structured fashion. I’ve decided that now is the time to look back at this in a bit more detail, John will provide that for us in the morning of the Master class.

In the afternoon (or it might be the other way around) he will do Master class teaching on facial pain management from the cutting edge of knowledge as only a consultant in oral medicine can.




We will have the full ranges of facial pain diagnosis and the ordalities for treatment but more importantly the ability to differentiate from our standard organic facial pain and other types of facial pain that we might be misdiagnosing and misinterpretating.  

I had the privilege of being taught by John when I was a house officer in Glasgow in 1994-95 and throughout my career I’ve been proud of my knowledge on facial pain in oral medicine as a result, in large part, to the way he taught it to me at dental school and as a house officer.

Anybody who decides to attend this Master class or ITI study club will not be disappointed of the quality of content and it might just fit into your new GDC CPD format!

You can find out more here!


Blog post number: 1551