The Campbell Academy Blog

Peer Review with The Campbell Clinic - April edition 

Written by Colin Campbell | 30/03/18 17:00

For the April addition of Peer Review with The Campbell Clinic we thought we would talk about dental implants, the basic of restorations but also share cases with one and other.

Implants are a big part of our practice and has been a huge part of my practice for the past 20 years. On that night, Neil will talk about simple aspects of implant restorative work conventionally and digitally and also openly discuss cases with the group. Please bring along cases to this night, it will be great to share, discuss and discover ideas, techniques and different treatment outcomes.

At this event, there should be something for anybody, those interested in beginning implant dentistry who have never touched it or those involved in implant dentistry at the present time and how they might take things on in restorative work.

The cases you bring can be anything, not specific to implants. The more the merrier.

As well as case discussion, we’ll show you a little format for how to restore dental implants in practice and show you how you can learn to do that or enhance your CPD overtime to reach a situation where that might work. We will discuss mentoring and how that works and how courses in implant dentistry work, particularly in the restorative aspect.

There will be food, a bar and some cases to discuss beforehand on our closed Facebook group.

If you want to attend the event click here to head over to The Academy website and book on.

If you want to attend the event and bring a case with you (please make sure you have consent) but you can do this by either bringing it on a USB or send them over to Hayley at and she can bring them along.

Why not join the Facebook group by clicking here.


Blog post number: 1597