The Campbell Academy Blog

On collaboration

Written by Colin Campbell | 17/02/19 18:00

It seems to be my ‘word of the moment’ this, it seems to be the biggest part of my work at the moment apart from seeing patients.

It seems to me that it’s the only way to a positive future for the profession I work in and the one I do love.

I’ve taken it upon myself recently to talk to as many dentists as I can, particularly locally, guys I have worked with for years but haven’t spoken to for ages.

I thought about this a lot, about what’s wrong and where we’re all suffering and a lot of it is from isolation.

It’s ok for me in my practice because there are tons of clinicians, in fact so many that I can’t get around them as much as I’d like because we’re not all in the same place at the same time.

But it’s not the same for everybody and often people come to work and work in their surgery with their nurse and then go home with little or minimal collaboration or cooperation on a day-to-day basis.

Social media is not the answer to that, unless you’re involved in a particularly good closed group that no one else knows about and even then, it’s like talking by text instead of face to face.

Recently in the practice we had Richard Brookshaw and he will be here again in a few weeks. He was doing zygomatic implants for one of our patients and it’s incredible to have someone come to offer a different perspective, a different view and a different set of skills.

There have been new dentists start at the practice and that’s incredible too.

The best thing of late though was some of the discussions with dentists about the prospect of collaborative work with patients.

I had it in my head that people didn’t want to do that. I had it in my head that everybody was insular and didn’t want to work together and it turned out, a lot of the time, that all I had to do was ask.

It is so much better to work together and so much more fun to work together. There is so much more joy in working together and amazingly and ridiculously, probably so much more profit.

It makes the profession better and it makes the profession look better to patients if we’re open to collaboration and discussion.

I suppose for the rest of my career this is going to be one of the main focuses of what I do. It’s hard to not let it consume you entirely because there’s also work to be done, but at the highest level the development of collaboration, relationships and shared working is the way forwards.


Blog Post Number: 1920