The Campbell Academy Blog

My FTP Case and Other More Important Matters

Written by Colin Campbell | 19/03/18 18:00

The title of this blog is the title of the lecture that I gave at the British Dental Conference in 2016 following the completion of my FTP case. 

I think many who attended that lecture perhaps thought it would be a rant and a rave about the GDC and everything that was wrong with them, but it wasn’t that and it still isn’t that. It was a talk about how everybody is getting it wrong.

It was about my case from my point of view and what I did and saw.

It was then about the profession and what they had done to contribute to the toxic environment of compliance and regulation that we were living in in 2016.

Finally, it was some solutions of what we might do as a profession, as individuals and as a General Dental Council to make the environment better.  

That lecture was a massive thing for me in the big room at the BDA to 1000 people, months of preparation and a huge amount of emotional effort; when it was over I was never ever going to do it again.

I never wanted it to be seen as a ‘commercial enterprise’, a way of ‘raising my profile’ or monetizing the process. It exhausted me.

I decided though it’s time to start telling that story again, perhaps in a slightly altered and adjusted way for 2018 and I am going to do that on the 27th March at my own Peer Review group in Nottingham. 

I am in discussions with the stakeholder guys at the GDC at the moment to see whether they’re going to send someone to that talk which I think would be massively constructive and positive and would have a real reasonable and balanced two-way dialogue.

It’s Peer Review though, it will give us all a chance to talk about it and anybody else who has a case that they would like to discuss can do it that night too.

We should use the opportunity with each other to improve and get better both for the benefit of our patients but I guess, mostly for the benefit of ourselves.

Generally, the Peer Review group would be open to a small group of guys who are associated with the practice but on this occasion, we can get a bigger room if anyone else would like to come on. You can book on it here


Blog post number: 1586