The Campbell Academy Blog

More jobs everywhere

Written by Colin Campbell | 29/06/18 17:00

Sometimes as a favour to people who come on our courses and the guys we get to know as part of our ‘tribe’ we’re happy to point people in the direction of job opportunities that exist because there is a group of people that read this material who are interested in those type of jobs. There are a couple at the present time from our business course delegates who are keen to appoint the right type of people.

The first is Indra Rampersad in Northumberland. She is a wonderful lady who’s invested heavily in her practice in a beautiful part of the country, which has gone fully digital and embraced modern concepts in dentistry, both in Orthodontics and in Implant Dentistry.

They do implants throughout the practice and have a huge team ethos. The practice is on the East Coast of England, 45 minutes from Edinburgh and Newcastle by train. If you want to have a chat with Indra then email me back and let me know and I’ll put you in touch. It’s definitely a job for the right person who would love that part of the world and would love the opportunity to take forwards an exceptional role for years to come.

The second opportunity is with Polly Bhambra who is one of the Directors in Tri-Dental. It’s an opportunity to take over a large, fully private Denplan list with only a very small NHS component for children.

The practice is in the West Midlands, digitally well set up with CBCT, digital radiography and rotary endo and they have in-practice support for Orthodontics, Implants and Perio which would be a brilliant developing opportunity for a younger practitioner and allow them to see the areas they want to become involved in.

Please email Polly about this direct on:

Hopefully this will connect the right people to the right places in order to look after the patients the best.

Good Luck!


Blog Post Number: 1688