The Campbell Academy Blog

Mission accomplished

Written by Colin Campbell | 03/08/20 17:00

Andy started a Podcast for The Campbell Academy, several episodes in now but so far for me the standout one is the Dominic O’Hooley episode which I have already spoken about here.

That’s not really the point, the point is that I got a text the other day, weeks after Dominic’s podcast was released from a referring dentist that I’ve not heard much from for a few years until recently.

It was a long and beautiful text thanking me for the podcast that Andy had done with Dominic ( I had nothing to do with it) but it touched in the way that it touched me when I listened to it because it’s a thing of real beauty, it's very special the way Andy speaks to Dom and very special the way Dom opens up in a way that I think he never has before publicly.

Lots to learn in that for lots of people and if you like podcasts you should listen to it here.

But for me it was mission accomplished, one person influenced by that bit of work, move onto the next.

It stays there forever for other people if they want it and then we try again. 


Blog Post Number - 2449