The Campbell Academy Blog

Koln Thinking

Written by Colin Campbell | 14/07/18 17:00

So, I told you about the travelling to Koln and I sounded like a right miserable bas%£*d!

In truth I would do anything for my kids and this was just one of those things. Rosie is on an exchange trip to Germany after we welcomed her exchange partner, Ina to our house a few months ago and she was a breath of fresh air.

Ina’s family returned the favour this week but Rosie had a big dance show on Saturday and if she’s not at the technical rehearsal on Friday she is banned from the show (quite rightly) so she has to be home a day early so I came to collect her.

It’s a funny thing, a day out the diary like this, I’ll always take work with me but your mind is opened and cleared because there is much less of the day to day pressure or things to be able to lay your hands on to do.

It was the train at Stansted airport though that was the greatest though provoker today.

After you leave the central concourse where there is a shop for everyone but not enough seats, you get the train to two separate stops; one for gates 1 – 20 and one for gates 21 – 40 but the train doesn’t have a driver.

If you’d suggested this situation to a driver of trains 30 years ago he would have laughed at you and told you that the unions would never allow it. Now you know you’re only a couple of years away from driverless taxis and the Uber guys are out of business.

After that it’s only a hop and a skip to pilotless planes and, all of a sudden, the jobs start running out.

There’ll always be a place for guys to drive cars with people in them to places they want to go, but the cars will have to be nice and the people driving them will have to be polite, lovely and great and it will be expensive.

There’ll always be a place for pilots, but they will be on private jets flying rich people to the places they want to go with a personal service.

There will always be a place for drivers on trains, but they’ll be steam trains that you go on on holiday and the drivers will be volunteers.

Drip, drip, drip. The world changed before your very eyes but so gradually that you never even noticed.

Just before I got on the driverless train I bought a book at WH Smith and paid for it at a self service check out.

Three years ago there would have been four people behind those check outs – today there was one.

The low level stuff, the routine stuff, the easy stuff.

It’s going, going, gone.

Better get good at something that a machine can’t do that easily just now, something that has value and involves talking to people and looking them in the eye.

More importantly you’d better get your kids good at that because if you don’t, they won’t have a job.


Blog Post Number: 1703