The Campbell Academy Blog

It's all gone a bit 'Vicky Pollard'

Written by Colin Campbell | 15/05/20 17:00

“Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no, …”. 

I can’t remember which night it was now because I’ve lost all track of days.

I’m wondering in the desert with no reference point, no hill or valley or lake or tree to see to point me in the direction that I used to be in when my unregimented life was so much more regimented than I believed.

And then, a WhatsApp message appears from someone that I consider to be really quite senior in the world of Dentistry and that I have privileged access to.

It’s a post from a Dental discussion group (screenshot) and it says that we won’t be starting Dentistry until July 4th.

Firstly, WTF wrote that post.

It’s not clear and I can’t see.

Secondly, what authority do they have to write that and create that ‘fake news’ which then turned into a mini tsunami of information because the next day people were texting me that screenshot saying “omg look what’s happened”.

The truth around this whole situation, as I have said in this blog so many times in the past seven weeks, is that it is a ‘hyper object’.

It’s too big a problem for you to see the solution to it and so you have to wait, and you have no choice about that and neither do I.

The person who posted the post that I mentioned above had no idea whether it was valid or not, the Chief Executives of Dental corporations have no idea when we will open either.

They might have high ranking contacts in Public Health England or Whitehall or any number or bureaucratic or Government agencies, but they don’t know either.

Because nobody has decided, and nobody knows.

There isn’t a grand master plan that says Dentistry will open on the 37th Septober Nineteencanteen, it’s not been decided yet.

All you can do is control your controllable’s and that is not a controllable.

(You realise I am writing to myself here and not to anyone else).

I’m thinking about taking Monday off as a self-designated bank holiday and having a three-day mini sabbatical on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

My phone will turn off entirely, I won’t hear anything about news or Dentistry or anything else and I’ll come back on Tuesday ready to fire again.

Just a suggestion? The risk here is that this glorious gift of time and space and attention that we have at the moment is unable to be used in any way due to a cascade of anxiety that washes away the opportunity.

Your worse-case scenario, when you think about it, is actually a lot worse than losing your job or your business or even your house. 

It’s death of someone you love or someone close to you that you can never fix and never repair.

Every other problem you can work through over time, but you can’t bring back the dead.


Blog Post Number - 2369