The Campbell Academy Blog

Inversely proportional…

Written by Colin Campbell | 24/04/17 17:00

The amount of money that you have and your happiness? (above a very small amount)

The value of your car and your actual confidence level?

Your number of friends on Facebook and your actual number of friends?

The letters after your name at the end of your email signature and your actual intelligence?

The size of your ‘man boobs’ and the level of your actual health?

It turns out that many of the things around us are indicators of health or happiness in an inversely proportional ratio. Some of the things are counter intuitive.

The saddest part is, from where I sit, for the vast majority of people below a level of income that is outrageous and extraordinary the amount of money that they earn is inversely proportional to the amount of free time and peace and happiness they have.

Blog Post Number - 1261