The Campbell Academy Blog


Written by Colin Campbell | 08/04/19 17:00

Inspiration is the fuel of change.

Inspiration is the giver of joy.

Inspiration is eyes open, not eyes closed.

Inspiration is head up, not head down.

Inspiration is that feeling of elation, once you have inspired or when you have been inspired.

Today, I watched one of my football players inspire me. He has had, and has been through, some of the worst experiences possible for a young man, and throughout the whole process he has repeatedly stepped up and inspired again.

As I watched him play football today (we lost 2-1) the other coach and their linesman came to tell me how brilliant he was, what a great leader, what a great player; they don’t know his story like I know his story.

I was inspired again.

Its hard to look anywhere else during moments like that, just to stand, stare and feel the joy of inspiration from someone brilliant.

Later I got the chance to return the favour (in a tiny small measure). I had to go to the practice out of hours, on call, to see someone with a broken temporary bridge.

Nic, my nurse, came to support me with her daughter Lexi. Lexi sat and read in the staff room as we sorted the patient out.

I got the chance to chat to her about books, to be enthusiastic, upbeat and interested in books and even recommend to her Artemis Fowl, the brilliant series of books by Eoin Colfer which were written about 15 years ago, and only now are about to be released as a Disney film.

Lexi was inspired, at least for a short minute, by a grey haired (balding) unkempt guy who might be interested in the same books as her.

Inspiration is free and we get to give it and take it as much as we want, its one of those choices that sometimes seem really difficult, but is really easy and actually wonderful.

Blog Post Number- 1970