The Campbell Academy Blog

I guess it’s time to unveil ‘The Cube’…

Written by Colin Campbell | 17/03/19 18:00

For over fifteen years various different people have thought that I would open a bespoke Specialist / Dental Implant clinic and the time has come to unveil that project to the wider world.

We call the project ‘The Cube’

It’s actually called ‘Disneyland’ between us at the practice but you can’t use that widely because you’ll get sued. The reason it’s called Disneyland is due to the story.

It’s reputed that when Disney opened Walt Disney World in California (the first Walt Disney facility) Ralph Disney was interviewed by the press a matter of weeks after his father, Walt, died. Allegedly he was asked by a member of the ‘press’ “Isn’t it sad that your dad isn’t here to see this day?”

His response was…

“My dad saw this 25 years ago”

We call it Disneyland because I’ve seen it, even in my waking hours, for years.

I have walked around it, unveiled it, worked in it and lived in it for years.

About 15 months ago I was walking around Argos in Nottingham (the first time for years and the last time ever I hope) when I received the telephone call to say that I had secured the land to build my dental practice.

This was following years of looking, trying, bidding and losing, to finally secure much more land than I ever wanted or needed which was the only way we could get it.

The picture attached to this blog is the land as it was on Friday 8thMarch as the started to dig the holes for the buildings that will comprise the project, one of which will be the practice.

For anyone who understands property, the net internal area of this building is over 7,000 sq ft. That’s quite a building.

It has two and a half floors and it has been designed in every aspect and every detail to be the best facility it possibly can.

This isn’t a dental practice, it’s a healthcare facility to provide clinical care, education, administration, publication and technology.

It’s the worst kept secret of my life and many people I know have seen snippets of it but now it’s live and they’re due to hand the building back to me in November this year.

For the last few weeks we have been unveiling bits of this to our referring GDPs in Nottingham and now it’s time to tell you guys in the wider world what is happening.

In order to keep people up to date and not to spoil this blog with a stream of consciousness about building a new healthcare facility, I have created a separate blog which is released every Sunday night, predictably called ‘The Cube’. If you would like to get updates about this or you know anyone who would, who might be interested in the story of building a practice from scratch which has taken years and countless hours, days, weeks and months of my life, then click here and sign up to The Cube blog.

On 2nd May 2019 we will be unveiling the detailed plans and a full story of this project to a select group of people in Nottingham.

More than half the tickets are already gone. If you’re interested in a ticket (I can’t guarantee any to anyone at the moment) then you have to sign up for the blog and all the ticket details are on there.

Watch this space though (or watch The Cube blog space more specifically) because I promise this will be a story worth following.

I look forward to seeing you there in January 2020.


Blog Post Number: 1948