The Campbell Academy Blog

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Written by Colin Campbell | 01/03/24 18:00

In my part-time hobby job as editor-in-chief of the ITI Academy, I was asked by the powers that be in the ITI to assist super Martin Tereh, who is the permanent member of staff for the ITI Academy in Switzerland, to set up video awards for the ITI for the world symposium.

You can get details about it here. 

But the reason for writing this blog is that the applications for the video awards are due in the middle of March, and there are still some places on there with the chance to win €2000 or €4000 for the overall prize.

Sometimes, the problem with these types of awards is people don't put videos in because they think they have to be perfect, and the chance for them to put a perfect video in would give them no chance to win or may be embarrassing, but that's really not the point of these awards.

The point of these awards is to showcase what normal dentists are doing and what they're capturing and to see whether you can do that in a way that may help other people at least discuss what's possible or what's reasonable.

They were also designed for younger dentists who are collecting some of the material on video, even the most straightforward aspects of that, to show them that it's possible to put that into the ring and help other people reflect on their own practice.

So, with that in mind, I would encourage you to drop a video into the ITI video awards.

You don't have to go to Singapore to see it happen (you don't get a ticket free if you enter the awards), but you would have the opportunity to win some money, and you would have the opportunity to win some renown and also it would show other people that it's ok to be brave to show what's going on and you may actually help someone learn something.

All questions are easy if you know the answer.

The problem is that we all have gaping holes in our clinical ability, knowledge, and education that we sometimes refuse to face up to.

Popping something like this into the awards ceremony may help you win something and may help you help someone.

So why not have a go?

The link is down here.

Good luck.

I hope you do well. The voting stuff will start for this in the middle of March, and you may be surprised.


Blog Post Number - 3733