The Campbell Academy Blog

Friday morning

Written by Colin Campbell | 25/08/20 17:00

It was 6.52 am and I was at my desk at work on a Friday morning even though I was supposed to go on holiday.

The plan was to be home by 9am last Friday but there was just too much to do so I had to go in to get things done.

It was deep work though as I’ve talked about many times in these pages.

That was two hours of the most effective work you can do.

Undisturbed, focused, bashing through a list of the most important things to be done before you go on holiday.

This is a return to normal service for me or some form of normal service.

Maximising the effectiveness of the work that you do to give your time to other parts of your life.

Fridays have not been like this for a long while and when I return from my holiday, they will be like this again.

Gaining the maximum value out of the shortest period of time and then going onto something else.

Covid scattered me in a thousand different directions but it’s just beginning to feel like I’m coming back together again.


Blog Post Number - 2471